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Writer's pictureJonathan Roiz

1000/ $100 CAMPAIGN

Be part of The Hope Movement, united to bring glory to God alone through the proclamation of the gospel and Christ-like care to those in need.

If 1,000 people give only $100 that would provide for our current projects and expand to new projects around the world. Your donation will feed the hungry, care for the orphan, care for widows, provide medical care, provide scholarships and school supplies, build houses for the poor, provide clean drinking water, care for and evangelize immigrants, fight human trafficking, conduct workshops to train churches on theology and biblical understanding, support a free seminary in English and Spanish, publish and distribute books and evangelistic materials in different languages, translate books and materials in languages for unreached people groups, evangelize around the world and local communities, stand up to save babies from abortion, support missionaries and street preachers, conduct annual mission trips, distribute Bibles in native languages, preach expository sermons, care for persecuted Christians, and plant biblical churches to expand the Kingdom of God.

Be part of The Hope Movement as a prayer partner and by giving only $100 annually. Together we can bring glory to God and hope to the lost and those in need.

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