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Open-Heart Surgery for a Missionary

We have a wonderful missionary who is originally from Baltimore, Maryland but is now serving in the Philippines. Recently he had an angiogram. He had an antigen test, blood work, and x-ray. We were able to raise a small amount of funds which covered clearing some blockages but the more difficult blockages were not easily accessible. The cleared blockages are doing well but the ones they could not reach have worsened. The result is that he will now need open-heart surgery. The best option is to bring him back to the United States for this surgery. Therefore, we are raising funds for travel costs and medical expenses.

Please consider donating to cover this urgent surgery to help this brother in Christ who is making an impact on the kingdom of God in the Philippines.

Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.

Please consider donating to cover this urgent surgery to help this brother in Christ who is making an impact for the kingdom of God in the Philippines.

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